
Called to Preach: Fulfilling the High Calling of Expository Preaching is unavailable, but you can change that!

In every generation, the church stands in dire need of God-called people to preach the Word with precision and power. Preachers who will not replace sound theology with culturally palatable soundbites. Preachers who will clearly and faithfully share the gospel and inspire those in their churches to live godly lives. Through in-depth biblical analysis and inspiring examples from church history,...

The ministry is the most honorable employment in the world. Jesus Christ has graced this calling by His entering into it. Thomas Watson1 Preachers are not made—they are born. No seminary can make an expositor. No Bible college can create a preacher. No church can manufacture a man gifted in the pulpit. Only God can call a preacher. These individuals were chosen before time began for this sacred task. To exposit the word is the most strategic assignment ever
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